Fána is an open-source feature flagging platform that facilitates testing in production by allowing the targeting of bug-tolerant user subsets. Built using Node.js, React, Go, Docker, and AWS, it is easy to set up and integrate with your applications.



An image uploader app. Built using MERN stack and deployed on Heroku.


RequestBin clone that displays all requests made, including via webhooks. Built using Node.js, JavaScript, webhooks, and ngrok.


Trello Clone where you can create cards and list items on a board. Built using Node.js, MongoDB, RESTful API, React, Redux.

Me in Taipei


  • I'm a California native and have lived in Southern California my entire life
  • During my childhood, I learned how to play various instruments, including piano, guitar, ukulele, bass, and cajón
  • My creative outlet is making video games! My dream is to one day make a commercial game all by myself as an indie developer. Feel free to ask me about the games I've made!
  • I love animals, despite not currently having any pets. I hope to one day take care of a long-haired dachshund and name him Jackson
  • I'm always trying new food. I am especially fond of Japanese food - my favorite is CoCo Ichibanya's curry